Διακρίσεις & Βραβεία
Included in the top 2% of the World Scientists for 2022 as ranked by University of Stanford and ELSEVIER.
President of the Committee for the evaluation of Scholarship applications (Hellenic Shortsea Shipowners Association)
Award of a plaque from the Hellenic Shipbrokers Association in recognition of the many years of fruitful cooperation in the field of executive education
Invited speaker, “Blue Horizons: η ναυτιλία για τη νέα γενιά”
Member of the Committee for the evaluation of Scholarship Applications – Letter of appreciation from Onassis Foundation
Awarded for his contribution to Piraeus Business Community by Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Dean, School of Maritime and Industrial Studies, University of Piraeus
Keynote speaker at AHEPA Business Forum/Shipping (AHEPA Supreme Convention, July, 2021)
Member of the Committee for the evaluation of Scholarship applications for the academic year 2021-22 (Onassis Foundation)
Member of the Committee for the evaluation of Scholarship applications (Hellenic Shortsea Shipowners Association)
Best Paper Award 2021 for the paper «The Role of Shipping Companies’ Organizational Culture and Cultural Intelligence When Selecting Manning Agencies» published in WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (co-authored with Athina Syntychaki)
Acceptance of “Lloyd’s List Award – 2019 Education or Training Award” on behalf of the Department of Maritime Studies of University of Piraeus
Chairman of the Department of Maritime Studies of University of Piraeus
Among the most downloaded articles of Journal of Air Transport Management for A multiple criteria approach for airline passenger satisfaction measurement and service quality improvement.
Member of the Board of Directors, Karamolegos Bakery (an Athens Stock Exchange industrial corporation with some 1000 employees)
Invited speaker, Economic Chamber of Greece, Heraklion
Invited speaker, 30 CEO’s breakfast main speech on “Customer Journey and Customer Experience”, Athens Sofitel
Invited speaker, Korea – Greece Sourcing Maritime Plaza Workshop, Athens
Member of the Editorial Board of “Journal of Service Theory and Practice” (IF=1,28)
Best Paper Award, “Exploring the Role of Human Talent in the Total Quality Management – Performance Relationship”, 19th QMOD Conference, 21-23 September, Rome
Προσκεκλημένος αξιολογητής (Reviewer) στην Εθνική Αξιολόγηση του Επιπέδου Έρευνας των Πανεπιστημίων και Ερευνητικών Κέντρων στην Ιταλία (National Assessment of Italian National Research) (ANVUR– CINECA) για τα έτη 2011-2014 στους Τομείς Διοίκησης και Στατιστικής.
Session Chair 2015, Academy of Marketing Science® World Marketing Congress, Bari, 14-18 July
Invited Speaker, European Maritime Day 2015, Piraeus, Education and Training for the Maritime Sector
Welcome note, Econ-Ship 2015, June 23, Chios Island
Awarded by the Municipality of Athens for his leadership to ELPIS Hospital
Highly Commended Paper Award winner from EMERALD LITERATI as it is one of the most impressive pieces of work the team has seen throughout 2013. “The interrelationship between service features, job satisfaction and customer satisfaction: Evidence from the transport sector”, The TQM Journal, 25, issue 2.
Among the Best submissions award to QMOD 16. “Market Orientation and Service Quality: Opponents or Colleagues?”
Invited Speaker “Roma Tre University” 26-28 March 2014.
Invited Contributor, “Encyclopedia of Services”, SAGE Publications
Recognized as “among the most influential recent articles” and “fantastic contribution” published in The Learning Organization Journal. “The link between organizational learning culture and customer satisfaction: Confirming relationship and exploring moderating effect” of Dr. Angelos Pantouvakis (jointly with N. Bouranta).
Among the most frequently downloaded articles, “The impact of internal service quality and learning organization on clinical leaders’ job satisfaction in hospital care services”.
Recognized as “among the most influential recent articles” published in Managing Service Quality Journal. Paper “The impact of ISO 9001 effectiveness on the performance of service companies”, Managing Service Quality Journal.
Selected for publication at QMOD 15 – “Travellers’ behavioural intentions depending on their cultural beliefs”, 15th QMOD conference on Quality and Service Sciences, Poznan, Poland, 5th of September – 7th of September 2012.
Among the Best submissions award to ΙΑΜΕ 2011, – A., Pantouvakis and A. Dimas, “The role of corporate agility and perceived price on the service quality – customer satisfaction link. Some preliminary evidence from the port industry” and merits publication in the International Journal of Shipping & Transport Logistics.
Highly Commended Paper Award winner from EMERALD LITERATI as it is one of the most impressive pieces of work the team has seen throughout 2010 for “’The Relative Importance of Service Features in Explaining Customer Satisfaction: A Comparison of Measurement Models’ Managing Service Quality, Vol. 20, Issue 4, pp.366-378, {Pantouvakis, A., (2010)}.
Reviewer for many academic outlets
Chairman/ member of the Scientific Committee of many Internationally recognized Conferences (QMOD, AMS, ICCMI, etc.)
Ευρύτερη εμπειρία Διοίκησης και
εμπειρία Διοίκησης στο Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς