Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνή περιοδικά με σύστημα κριτών

Vlachos, Ilias, Angelos Pantouvakis, and Maria Karakasnaki. “Determinants and stressors of seafarers’ job satisfaction: evidence from a global survey.” Maritime Policy & Management 51.2 (2024): 283-303.(Scopus, ΑΒΣ 2, Impact Factor: 3.167)

Karakasnaki, M., Pantouvakis, A. and Vlachos, I. (2023), “Maritime social sustainability: Conceptualization and scale development“, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and the Environment, Vol. 121, 103804. (ABS 3, Scopus, IF: 7.041).

Pantouvakis, A., Vlachos, I. and Polemis, D. (2023), “The impact of maritime service quality on employee satisfaction by seafarers rank: evidence from a global survey grounded on ERG theory“, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJQRM-12-2022-0354 (Scopus, Cite score 2022: 5.1)

Pantouvakis, A. and Gerou, A. (2023), “The role of onboard experiencescape and social interaction in the formation of ferry passengers’ emotions“, WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13437-022-00297-9 (Scopus, Cite Score: 3.7)

Pantouvakis, A. and Gerou, A. (2022), “The Theoretical and Practical Evolution of Customer Journey and Its Significance in Services”, Sustainability, Vol. 14, 9610. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14159610. (Scopus, Impact Factor: 3.889)

Vlachos, I., Pantouvakis, A. and Karakasnaki, M. (2022), “Determinants and stressors of seafarers’ job satisfaction: evidence from a global survey“, Maritime Policy & Management, DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2022.2118884. (Scopus, Impact Factor: 3.167)

Pantouvakis, A. and Syntychaki, A. (2021), “Selecting the right partners to maximize value for shipping companies: An exploratory study“, Research in Transportation Business & Management, 100697. (Scopus, Impact factor: 4,286)

Pantouvakis, A. and Syntychaki, A. (2021), “The role of shipping companies’ organizational culture and cultural intelligence when selecting manning agencies“, WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13437-021-00236-0. (Scopus, Cite Score: 3,7)

Pantouvakis, A. and Karakasnaki, M. (2021), “Examining the impact of market orientation on service quality in shipping companies: the role of risk propensity“, International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 106-122. (ABS, Scopus, Cite score: 4,1)

Pantouvakis, A. and Vlachos, I. (2020), “Talent and leadership effects on sustainable performance in the maritime industry“, Transportation Research Part D, Vol. 86, 102440. (ABS, Scopus, Impact Factor: 7,041)

Pantouvakis, A. and Karakasnaki, M. (2019), “Exploring the links between talent philosophies and talent management in service organizations“, Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 277-286. (Scopus, Cite score: 2,6)

Karakasnaki, M., Vlachopoulos, P., Pantouvakis, A. and Bouranta, N. (2018), “ISM Code implementation: an investigation of safety issues in the shipping industry”, WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, Vol. 17, pp. 461-474. (Scopus, Cite Score: 3,7)

Tsafarakis, S., Kokotas, S. and Pantouvakis, A. (2018), “A multiple criteria approach for airline passenger satisfaction measurement and service quality improvement”Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 68, pp. 61-75. (ABS, Scopus, SSCI, IF=5,418)

Pantouvakis, A. and Karakasnaki, M. (2018), “The human talent and its role in ISM Code effectiveness and competitiveness in the shipping industry”Maritime Policy and Management, Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 649-664. (Scopus, SSCI, IF=3.167)

Pantouvakis, A. and Karakasnaki, M. (2018), “The role of Agility and Organizational Learning Culture in forming Long Lasting relations in Shipping”, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 160-180. (ABS, Scopus, SSCI, IF=1,493)

Pantouvakis, A., Vlachos, I. and Zervopoulos, P. D. (2017), “Market orientation for sustainable performance and the inverted-U moderation of firm size: Evidence from the Greek shipping industry”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 165, pp. 705-720. (Scopus, IF=11,072)

Pantouvakis, A., Krasanakis, S. and Patsiouras, C. (2017), “An investigation of the opportunistic relationships among shipping companies and ship-brokers”SPOUDAI Journal of Economics and Business, Vol.67, No. 1, pp. 71-80.

Pantouvakis, A. and Bouranta, N. (2017), “Agility, Organizational Learning Culture and Customer Relationship Quality in the port sector”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 28, No. 3-4, pp. 366-378. (ABS, Scopus, SSCI, IF=4,168)

Pantouvakis, A. and Karakasnaki, M. (2017), “Role of the human talent in total quality management–performance relationship: an investigation in the transport sector”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 28, No. 9-10, pp. 959-973. (ABS, Scopus, IF=4,168)

Psomas, E., Bouranta, N. and Pantouvakis, A. (2017), “Identifying the Critical Determinants of TQM and their Impact on Company Performance: evidence from the Hotel Industry of Greece”, TQM Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 147-166. (ABS, Scopus)

Pantouvakis, A. and Patsiouras, C. (2016), “Tourist Selection Criteria and Motivation: Does Nationality matter”, SPOUDAI Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. 66, Issue 1-2, pp 22-31. (Econlit)

Pantouvakis, A. and Patsiouras, C. (2016), “Exploring the role of Leadership Style on the Service Quality – Customer Satisfaction link: Evidence from a B2B environment”, International Journal of Quality and Services Science, Vol. 8, Issue 1, pp. 88-101. (ABS, Scopus)

Pantouvakis, A. and Renzi, M.F. (2016), “Exploring Different Nationalities’ Perceptions of Airport Service Quality”, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 52, pp. 90-98.  (ABS, Scopus, SSCI, IF=5,418)

Pantouvakis, A. and Psomas, E. (2016), “Exploring Total Quality Management Applications under uncertainty: A research agenda for the shipping industry”, Maritime Economics and Logistics, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 496-512. (ABS, Scopus, SSCI, IF=3,841)

Pantouvakis, A. and Karakasnaki, M. (2016), “An empirical assessment of ISM Code effectiveness on performance: the role of ISO certification”, Maritime Policy and Management, Vol. 43, No. 7, pp. 874-886. (ABS, Scopus, SSCI, IF=3,167)

Pantouvakis, A. and Patsiouras, C. (2015), “Satisfaction Formation and Typology of Bar Customers”, Tourismos: An International Journal, Vol. 10, Issue. 1. (Scopus)

Psomas, E. and Pantouvakis, A. (2015), “ISO 9001 Overall Performance Dimensions: an Exploratory Study”, The TQM Journal, Vol. 27, Issue 5, pp. 519-531. (ABS, Scopus)

Pantouvakis, A. (2014), “Market Orientation and Service Quality: Opponents or Colleagues?”, International Journal of Quality and Services Science, Vol. 6, Issue 2/3, pp. 98-111. (ABS, Scopus)

Pantouvakis, A. and Bouranta, N. (2014), “Quality and price – impact on patient satisfaction”, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Vol. 27, Issue 8, pp. 684-696. (ABS, Scopus)

Pantouvakis, A. (2013), “Travellers’ behavioral intentions depending on their beliefs: An empirical study”, International Journal of Quality and Services Science, Vol. 5, Issue. 1, pp. 4-18. (ABS, Scopus)

Milios, K., Zoiopoulos, P. E., Pantouvakis, A., Mataragas, M. and Drosinos, E. H. (2013), “Techno-managerial factors related to food safety management system in a food businesses”, British Food Journal, Vol. 115, Issue 9, pp. 1-31. (ABS, Scopus, SSCI, IF=3,469)

Pantouvakis, A. (2013), “The moderating role of nationality on the satisfaction loyalty link: evidence from the tourism industry”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Vol. 20, Issue. 3, pp. 305-321. (ABS, Scopus, SSCI, IF=4,168)

Pantouvakis, A. and Dimas, A. (2013), “The role of corporate agility and perceived price on the service quality – customer satisfaction link; Some preliminary evidence from the port industry”, International Journal of Shipping & Transport Logistics, Vol. 5, Issue. 4-5, pp. 412-431. (ABS, Scopus, SSCI, IF= 1,84)

Pantouvakis, A. and Mpogiatzidis, P. (2013), “Measuring Clinical Department Efficiency – The impact of clinical leadership job satisfaction: An application to Public Hospitals”, Benchmarking An International journal, Vol. 20, Issue. 3, pp. 305-321. (ABS, Scopus)

Psomas, E. L., Pantouvakis, A. and Kafetzopoulos, D. P. (2013), “The impact of ISO 9001 effectiveness on the performance of service companies”, Managing Service Quality, Vol. 23, Issue. 2, pp. 149-164. (ABS, Scopus, SSCI, IF=1,05)

Pantouvakis, A. and Bouranta, N. (2013), “The interrelationship between service features, job satisfaction and customer satisfaction: Evidence from the transport sector”, The TQM Journal, Vol.25, Issue 2, pp. 181-201. (Outstanding award winner paper from Emerald 2014) (ABS, Scopus)

Pantouvakis, A. and Mpogiatzidis, P. (2013), “The impact of internal service quality and learning organization on clinical leaders’ job satisfaction in hospital care services”, Leadership in Health Services, Vol. 26, Issue 1, pp. 34-49. (Scopus, SSCI, IF=0,32)

Pantouvakis, A. and Bouranta, N. (2013), “The link between organizational learning culture and customer satisfaction: Confirming relationship and exploring moderating effect”, The Learning Organization, Vol. 20, Issue. 1, pp. 48 – 64. (The most Influential article of TLO Journal for 2013). (ABS, Scopus)

Pantouvakis, A. (2012), “Internal marketing and the moderating role of employees: An exploratory study”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence Journal, Vol. 3, Issue. 2, pp. 177-195. (ABS, Scopus, SSI, IF= 4,168)

Pantouvakis, A. and Mpogiatzidis, P. (2012), “Evaluation of the relationship between job satisfaction and internal quality: A study on perceptions of clinical leadership”, Archives of Hellenic Medicine, Volume 29, Issue. 1, pp. 44-50. (Scopus)

Milios, K., Matarangas, M., Pantouvakis, A., Drosinos, E. H., and Zoiopoulos, P. E. (2011), “Evaluation of control over the microbiological contamination of carcasses in a lamb carcass dressing process operated with or without pasteurizing treatment”, International Journal of Food Microbiology, Vol. 146, Issue. 2, pp. 170-175. (Scopus, SSCI, IF=3,08)

Pantouvakis, A. (2011), “Internal Service Quality and Job Satisfaction Synergies for Performance Improvement: Some Evidence from a B2b Environment”, Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, Vol. 19, Issue. 1 pp. 11–22. (ABS, Scopus)

Pantouvakis, A. and Dimas, A. (2010) “Does ISO 9000 series certification matter for the financial performance of ports? Some preliminary findings from Europe”, Maritime Policy and Management, Vol. 36, Issue. 5, pp. 505-522. (ABS, Scopus, SSCI, IF=3,167)

Pantouvakis, A. (2010), “The Relative Importance of Service Features in Explaining Customer Satisfaction: A Comparison of Measurement Models”, Managing Service Quality, Vol. 20, Issue. 4, pp. 366-378. (Outstanding award winner paper from Emerald 2011) (ABS, Scopus, SSCI, IF= 1,05)

Pantouvakis, A. Chlomoudis, C. and Dimas, A. (2010), “Marketing Strategies in Port Industry: An Exploratory Study and a Research Agenda”, American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, Vol. 2, Issue. 1, pp. 64-72. (Scholar)

Vassilikopoulou, A., Siomkos, G., Chatzipanagiotou, K. and Pantouvakis, A. (2009), “Product-harm crisis management: Time heals all wounds?”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 16, Issue. 3, pp. 174-180. (ABS, Scopus, IF=7,135)

Pantouvakis, A. and Lymperopoulos, C. (2008), “Customer satisfaction and loyalty in the eyes of new and repeat customers: Evidence from the transport sector”, Managing Service Quality, Vol. 18, Issue. 6, pp.623-643. (ABS, Scopus, SSCI, IF= 1,05)

Pantouvakis, A.Chlomoudis, C. and Dimas, A. (2008), “Testing the SERVQUAL scale in the passenger port industry: A confirmatory study”, Maritime Policy and Management, Vol. 34, Issue. 5, pp. 449-467. (ABS, Scopus, SSCI, IF=1,323)

Pantouvakis, A. (2007), “Who pays the Ferryman? An Analysis of ferries passenger’s selection dilemma” Maritime Policy and Management, Vol. 34, Issue. 6, pp. 591-612. (ABS, Scopus, SSCI, IF=1,323)

Pantouvakis, A. (2006), “Port-service quality dimensions and Passenger profiles: an exploratory examination and analysis”, Maritime Economics and Logistics, Vol. 8, Issue. 4, pp. 402-418. (ABS, Scopus, SSCI, IF=1,0)

Pantouvakis, A. (2003), “Analyzing the Statisticians: A User’s Survey for the Analysis and the Development of the required Methodological framework”, European Research Studies Journal, Volume VI, Issue. 3 -4, pp. 39-52.  (Scopus)

Thalassinos, E., Pantouvakis, A. and Spinakis, A. (2003), “Can Non-expert’ Users Analyse Data? A Survey and a Methodological Approach”, European Research Studies Journal, Vol. VI, Issue. 3-4, pp. 109-120. (Scopus)



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